Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blog #6: The Bat Mitzvah of a Bulldog.

Those of you who have experienced previous 
SENIOR MOMENTS blogs know that
Elaine Kravitz is a determined young Senior
at the age of 85.

She walks, talks and thinks fast. And when
she makes her mind up to do something, she
does it. Even if it takes seventy years.

Most Jewish girls who are bat-mitzvahed do
it when they are thirteen years old. Elaine did
it two years ago when she was eighty-three.

I made a forty minute documentary of Elaine
studying, preparing and achieving her dream.
The following thirteen minute version of
that doc hopefully captures Elaine's persistence,
determination and joy.

Click here for "The Bat Mitzvah of a Bulldog":

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