Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blog #7: "My Mantra For When I'm Falling"

You just can't keep a good man down. 
Especially at the age of eighty. 

He's up, he's down. Down and up.
Such is Don Kracke's falling routine.

Despite twenty-seven falling experiences this past year, 
Don bounces back with wry observations, 
sharp wit and acerbic tongue. 

This latest episode is an extreme example of how to make
lemonade out of lemons. 

The following five minute interview 
with the eighty year old emerging artist, 
one day after his most recent fall, 
will give you an idea of his persistence, 
determination and ability to bounce back. 

Those are qualities many of today's seniors possess.

WARNING: Mild four-letter language is used in this video.

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